One hundred years ago, on 20 and 21 November 1920, elections to the Constitutional Assembly of the Republic of…
There is a special cemetery in the Cīruļi cemetery of Talsi region, in Ģibuļi parish. The installed tombstone …
On 11 November 2020, on Lāčplēsis (the Bear Slayer – the Latvian national epic) Day, no public event was held …
An exhibition of granite sculptures by contemporary Latvian sculptors can be seen in Pedvāle Art Park from Oct…
On 16 September, marking the 100th anniversary of the adoption of Part 1 of the Agrarian Reform Law “On the Es…
At Pedvāle Art Park, this year Midsummer was celebrated in a symbolic company of the deputies of the Constitut…
On June 8, 2020, a day after the centenary of the Latvian national anthem, State President Egils Levits visite…
The Artist Residency Pedvale is now officially accepting applicants for our inaugural 2020 Residency program. …
An exhibition of granite sculptures by Ojārs Feldbergs can be seen in the forecourt of the masters’ house of F…
On the slope of Briņķi Hill in Pedvāle Art Park, opposite the town of Sabile, a monumental environmental art…